Ariana Grande Revealed That She Asked Lorne Michaels To Let Bowen Yang Film "Wicked" While He Also Did "SNL"
Bowen said, "It's the only time that I've ever pulled, like, a pouty face in front of him [Lorne], to be like, 'I really wanna do this.'"

18 People Who Are Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way Funnier Than You'll Ever Be, No Offense
Passing out ouija boards at a funeral shouldn't be funny, but it is.

16 Drunk "Sorry, I Shouldn't Have Sent That" Messages That'll Make You Cringe Sooooooo Hard
Imagine having the audacity to text your coworker and ask for money to pay your bar tab.

16 "Anora" Behind-The-Scenes Facts That'll Make You See This Movie In A Whole New Way
Mikey Madison actually didn't know any Russian at all before going into the film.

Wedding Guests Are Sharing The Most Entitled Demands Brides And Grooms Made On Their Big Day, And I Cannot Believe The Audacity
"They didn’t ask for a physical gift. Instead, they asked me to clean their enormous house from top to bottom."

25 People Who Embarrassed Themselves Much, Much, Much, Much, Much, Much, Much, Much Worse Than You Probably Ever Have
"I know you have probably had guys hit on you a lot, so I have always been respectful. But you make my blood pump every time I see you. You make my natural instincts kick in."

64 Extremely Unfiltered Internet Posts From This Month That Make Me Laugh Uncontrollably Literally Every Single Time I See Them
"Please don’t make me bounce on it. I have low iron and arthritic knees."

People Are Sharing The Moment They Realized They Were Dating An Imbecile, And I Can't Stop Laughing
"I have an ex who was a Marine and absolutely studied military history. He thought that Lincoln was our second president after Washington. It absolutely hurt my brain."

Help, I'm Dying Laughing At These 25 Inappropriate And Weird Logos Designers Actually Got Away With
I don't understand how no one saw an issue with these logos before finalizing them.

I Can't Help But Feel Sorry For These 15 New Homeowners Who Were Totally Scammed As They Were Buying A House
You can't trust anybody.

Wedding Guests, Tell Us The Wildest Thing A Filthy-Rich Couple Requested Or Demanded
Get it off your chest.

21 Infuriating Screenshots Of Toxic Parents Who Are Still Trying To Control Their Adult Children
Trying to force your 20-year-old to get off birth control is wild.

I'm Dying Laughing At These 34 Unfiltered Things People Were Brave Enough To Post On The Internet This Month So Far
"Whenever someone hops on a Zoom meeting and is like, 'Sorry, I look like such a mess, haven’t had my coffee!' or like, 'Please excuse the lighting!' It’s like...babe...I’m physically incapable of not staring at my own reflection for this entire meeting. You don’t even exist to me."

17 Pictures Of People Who Were Too Pure-Hearted To Know They Were About To Fall Victim To A Scam
Imagine buying a house and learning that nothing is actually what it seems to be.

Please Help Me, I Can't Stop Laughing At These 18 Extremely Dumb Things Old People Actually Posted On The Internet This Year
"In 1942 Columbus sailed the ocean blue..."

Nannies Who Quit Working For Toxic Families Are Sharing Their Final Breaking Points, And Wowwww
"Twin 7-year-olds threw my iPhone in the toilet. I still stuck around until they stole money from my purse a week later, denied it, and the parents backed them. They were kicked out of two schools within the following year."

"They Got Remarried A Few Years Later But Never Lived Together Again:" 16 Unpredictable Stories By People Who Got Remarried To The Same Person They Once Divorced
"When I was around 10, things didn’t work out, and my dad divorced his second wife. A few years later, he realized I needed a mother figure, so he called his first wife up, and the next thing I knew, I had a stepmom."

36 Incredibly Dangerous Designs That I'm Genuinely Shocked Made It To The Final Product
I do not understand how someone thought it was a good idea to place car brake lights so low that other drivers could not see them.

21 Coworkers Who Are Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way Worse Than Anyone You've Ever Worked With
Taking someone's lunch from their DESK is actually diabolical.

13 God-Awful Wigs Nicole Kidman Had The Bravery To Put On Her Head For A Role
Nicole Kidman and a bad wig will find each other in every universe 🥹.