26 Brides And Grooms Who Truly Behaved Like Spoiled Brats Just Because They Felt Entitled To The "Perfect" Wedding
"I noticed when my bridesmaid turned her head that she's got quite a number of gray hairs. I mentioned this to her and suggested dyeing it before my big day. She refused. It's really unsightly, and I'm worried it's going to take away from the beauty of the dress I chose for her."

19 Really Dumb Hotel Designs That Are Actually Enraging To Look At
Some of these designers need to be fired.

16 Parents Who Had A Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way Worse Day Than You
Imagine waking up and seeing that your child flooded your basement.

It's Been 20 Years Since "Desperate Housewives" Aired — Here's What The Cast Looks Like Now
Seeing how all the kids grew up is blowing my mind.

People Who Remarried Someone They Divorced, Tell Us What Brought You Back Together
You need to break up in order to make up.

15 Infuriating Screenshots Of Men Who Suffer From Such Severe Delusions They Think They're "Nice Guys"
"In general, most women will friend-zone a good man because he's boring, predictable, and so on. Many women love fun, exciting, mystery men. This is not up for debate. It's just true. If you disagree, this conversation is over."

58 Things People Posted On The Internet This Month That Were So Funny, They Went Viral
"Just witnessed my boss applying for jobs on LinkedIn. I'm cooked."

33 Things People Do Every Single Day That They Have No Idea Are Actually Incredibly Impolite
"People who let their dogs jump up on you. Hey, I love dogs, but I’m not in the mood of having dirty paws on my nice clean clothes."

24 People Who Confidently Posted Something Very, Very, Very, Very Very, Very, Very, Very Dumb Online This Year
Someone really wrote a whole paragraph explaining why planes aren't real.

18 Photos Of Little Inconveniences That Still Managed To Be Beyond Infuriating
Finding spider eggs on my computer would ruin my day.

21 People Who Ended Someone's Whole Existence With Just Their Words
"It is raining common sense outside, but you hold an umbrella."

16 Massive Plot Holes, Continuity Errors, And Inconsistencies In "Desperate Housewives" That I Can't Believe Got Past The Writers' Room
The amount of characters who just disappeared is astounding.

22 Leaked Screenshots Of Teachers Who Were Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Stricter Than Any Teacher You've Ever Had
"After [bathroom] breaks, you must complete a writing assignment."

I'm Dying Of Laughter At The 32 Wildly Unfiltered Things People Posted On The Internet This Month So Far
"Yeah, I'm a first responder. To his texts."

My Pea-Sized Brain Can't Process These 15 Mind-Blowing Photos Of What Popular Products Used To Look Like
The prices on a Pizza Hut menu from 1984 are unbelievable.

People Are Sharing The Strangest Reasons Someone They Know Got Divorced, And These Stories Are Unheard Of
"My mate teared up during the wedding ceremony. Apparently, it was considered unmanly, and his wife got the 'ick.'"

22 Photos Of People Who Were So Spoiled They Couldn't Even Appreciate Things They Got For Free
People actually complained about the free candy at a restaurant because it wasn't organic.

17 People Who Made An Assumption And Turned Out To Be So Incredibly, Hilariously Wrong
"My boyfriend had to redo some of his law school applications because he checked yes to LGBTQA. He thought 'A' stood for ally."

Rich Parents Are Sharing The “Final Straw” That Made Them Cut Off Their Spoiled Kids Financially, And Wow
"I cut my son off. He went to college and failed all of his classes. My other daughter, who is older, tried to tutor him. He offered to pay her to stop, using my bank account."

Divorced Men Are Sharing The Moment They Knew They Would Walk Out On Their Spouse, And Their Stories Were Truly Surprising
"While we were discussing final burial arrangements, I mentioned that I would like to be buried near my father in a rural 100-year-old cemetery. Her response: 'You’ll be buried by yourself!' No conversation, no 'What’s your thinking?' No discussion."