Donald Trump Supporters Are Already Finding Out What Their Vote Actually Meant, And The Stories Are Going Viral
"Latino male Trump voter told CNN mass deportation won't extend to law-abiding workers. 'That wouldn’t be fair. They need to make sure that they don’t throw away, they don’t kick out, they don’t deport people that are family oriented.'"

My Lungs Are Physically Sore From Laughing So Hard At These 18 Black Tweets From The Week
"MAN all Kanye had to do was shut up for 2 more years and he wouldve been creative director of USA Lol"

The Internet Is Roasting Donald Trump For His New Cabinet Picks, And It's The Laugh I Needed This Week
"someone wake me up when hulk hogan is announced as FBI director"

One Week After The Election, Black Americans Are Sharing Their Thoughts And Feelings About The Outcome, And They're Not Holding Back
"Sad to say that if slavery were on the ballot today, it would overwhelmingly pass. This is how deeply Trump has stoked the racism in this country, and it came through for him."

Black Americans, We Want To Hear Your Thoughts, Opinions, And Emotions Following Kamala Harris's Loss To Donald Trump
How are you feeling about Kamala Harris's loss?

This Teacher Caught Her Quiet Student Talking To A ChatGPT Tool Like It's Their Friend, And More Teachers Are Revealing The Scary Ways AI Has Affected Their Classroom
"I teach high school, and it has become increasingly clear that nothing these kids submit is original."

This Woman Refused To Cook For Her Boyfriend After He Made A Detailed Slideshow Critiquing Her Meals. Now, He's Claiming She's "Overreacting"
"I told him if he had such detailed opinions, he should cook himself. He tried to backtrack, saying it was 'all in good fun' and that he was 'just trying to help.' But I wasn’t laughing."

Women Are Reacting To The 4B Movement — No Sex, No Marriage, And No Kids With Men Until Women Have Equal Rights — And They're Not Holding Back
"I think every woman in America should join the 4B movement, especially the wives and girlfriends of senators and representatives until they come to their senses and put Roe v. Wade back and enshrine it into the Constitution."

Donald Trump Supporters Are Already Finding Out What Their Vote Actually Meant, And The Stories Are Going Viral
"I actually had a Trump voter say to me today 'he’s not really gonna get rid of the ACA right? My wife and I both have plans through it.'"

The "4B Movement" — AKA Women Refusing To Have Sex, Marry, Or Birth Children With Men — Is Going Viral For Obvious Reasons
It's been a tough week for women.

It's Election Day, And People Are Sharing Their 2024 Voting Experiences — The Good, The Bad, And The Unexpected
"I pulled into the parking lot to vote early last week, and a woman flagged me down and said, 'Excuse me, I know this is weird, but could you take a picture of me with my sticker on? I want to send it to my daughter.' I happily did so."

16 Men Disclosed Who They're Voting For This Week, And The Reasons Just Might Surprise You
"For 55 years, I was a registered Republican, but I am no longer. I can find no redeeming social value in Donald Trump and the people who blindly follow him — vote Blue up and down the ticket."

If You Voted In The 2024 Election, Tell Us Why It Was Either A Breeze Or A Blunder
Give us all the details!

People Shared 16 Genius Self-Care Tips To Survive Election Week, And I'll Be Trying Every Single One
"When I come home, I plan on stress baking until I can't anymore. Hopefully, at that point, we'll have some good news."

My Lungs Are Physically Aching From Laughing So Hard At The 21 Funniest Black Tweets From The Week
"Phone so dry I only got Kamala Harris messages telling me to vote"

Donald Trump Cosplaying As A Garbage Worker Is Going Viral, And The Jokes Have Me Rolling On The Floor
Please, please vote.

Election Week Is Almost Here, And We Need To Know Your Self-Care Secrets To Survive The Chaos
I need tips so bad.

Teachers, Spill The Tea On How ChatGPT And AI Tools Have Changed The Classroom
Teachers, we want to hear from you.

A Video Of A Burning Ballot Box Has Gone Viral, And People Are Really, Really Worried
Clark County has announced election workers will now monitor ballot boxes 24/7.

My Lungs Are Physically Aching From Laughing So Hard At The 42 Funniest Tweets People Posted This Month
"I helped a woman down the stairs with her pram. Me, her and the baby fell to the ground."