People Are Sharing The "Normal" Things About American Culture That Are Secretly Weird, Even To Americans
"People from other countries order what’s on the menu, but Americans always want a change (extra mayo, a different cheese, etc.). This makes it seem like Americans think they should always get exactly what they want, all the time."

Women Who Were Adamant About Not Having Children But Did Anyway, Open Up About What Changed For Them
"My only sister passed away, and I thought about growing old, and I just felt lonely. My husband always wanted kids, but he never told me because he knew I didn't! She is 11 months old now, and I love her so much."

People Are Venting About The Frustrating Double Standards Of Ageism And It's Quite Eye-Opening
"The crazy part is I still think of myself as a twenty-something. I don’t look my age, but people assume that because I’m short in stature, I am incapable of doing normal everyday activities."

Servers Spill The Beans On The Wildest Menu Requests That Left Them Scratching Their Heads
"A young man staying at the hotel called in to order just carrots. So, I took some carrot sticks from the kid's menu. He saw it and said, 'No! I want one whole carrot'."

Parents Are Sharing Their Memorable “I Looked Away For ONE Second…” Story
"I jumped up to see that she had fallen off of the other side of the pier and was floating, face down, in the restricted part of the lake."

Every High School Had The "Incident," And People Are Sharing The Moment That Is Still Seared Into Their Brain
"A girl's promiscuous pictures got spread around the school, the school got the police involved and then got sued for having police interview students without parents present."

15 Celebrities Who Lived Incredibly Full Lives Until Their 90s And 100s
Many of these celebrities were advocates for animal rights!

26 Parenting Practices From Around The World That Would Blow Your Tiny American Mind
"It’s not uncommon to leave a baby in the car (running), especially if they’re sleeping. I got weird looks when I told my Japanese friends it’s difficult to just run into the store real quick with my son. They asked why he didn’t just stay in the car."

21 Celebs Who Tragically Passed Away Far Too Soon
These celebrity losses hit us hard.

People Are Revealing Their Famous Women "Hear Me Out" Crushes
"Super Nanny, the British one. Her vibe, man, sheesh."

People Are Sharing Their “Harry Potter” Universe Crushes And OMG, I Thought I Was The Only One
The Harry Potter fans have spoken, and they LOVE Draco.

Couples Who Stayed Together Despite You Or Your Partner Doing Something Awful, Share Why You Stuck Around
Share with us the reason why you chose to stay together despite facing challenges.

Older Adults, Share With Us The Juicy White Lies You're Still Holding Onto From Your Childhood Days
Share with us your juicy white lies.

Older Adults, Share With Us The Life-Changing Lessons You've Picked Up From Younger Generations
We are interested in learning about the skills and knowledge you have gained from younger generations.

31 Photos Of Real People Who Inspired TV Shows And Movies Vs. The Actors Who Played Them
Cameron Britton's portrayal of Ed Kemper in Mindhunter was the perfect casting choice!

Share Your "Hear Me Out" Crushes On Famous Women
We want to hear about your unconventional beauty crushes!

What Are Some "Normal" American Customs That Are Actually Really Weird?
We want to know your thoughts on unusual American customs.

I Know A Lot Of Us Had A Crush On Someone In The Harry Potter Universe, Who Was Yours?
Some fans were into Hagrid...who was your crush?

Spill The Tea: What Was "The Incident" That Everyone In Your High School Couldn't Stop Talking About?
We want to hear about your high school scandals!

'I Looked Away For ONE Second!': Parents, Tell Us Your Most Frightening Tales
We are seeking your stories about times when you looked away for "just one second."