Political Operatives Are Faking Voter Outrage With Millions Of Made-Up Comments To Benefit The Rich And Powerful
A fierce battle over the regulation of the internet was riddled with millions of fake comments in the most prolific known instance of political impersonation in US history.

Democrats Already Have A Big 2020 Hacking Problem
The Democratic National Committee, worried about appearing partial to a specific candidate, has not spoken directly with 2020 campaigns about cybersecurity.

It Looks Like Russian Hackers Are Still At It In 2019
A British think tank that counters Russian information operations has been hacked — and Russian media outlets are all over the leaked material.

The Guy Who Allegedly Doxed Hundreds Of German Politicians Is A 20-Year-Old
The man who doxed politicians but spared the far right “is dissatisfied with public statements made by politicians,” a German official said.

Germany's Most Right-Wing Party Somehow Got Skipped In A Massive Leak Of Politicians' Information
There's little indication who's behind the hack or hacks, but they don't seem interested in exposing Germany's far right.

Top US Intelligence Official Confirms Russian Propagandists Tried To Meddle In The Midterms
In a classified report, the US director of national intelligence confirmed that Russia, and to an extent China and Iran, tried to influence American voters in November.

A Bunch Of Countries Just Joined The US In Condemning Chinese Hacking
The accusations that China steals secrets from companies and gives the secrets to its own businesses isn't new, but a joint international condemnation is.

Millions Of Comments About The FCC's Net Neutrality Rules Were Fake. Now The Feds Are Investigating.
People's names and addresses were listed on the FCC's website beside net neutrality comments they didn't make. Now the FBI is interested.

Trump Says He's Negotiating To Get China To Stop Hacking. Obama Already Did That.
China hasn't even acknowledged that the topic came up when Trump and President Xi Jinping met in Buenos Aires.

The US Loves To Charge Other Governments' Hackers With Crimes. What Happens When One Of Those Countries Returns The Favor?
As the US grows increasingly comfortable with "name-and-shame" tactics against hackers who work for China, Iran, North Korea, and Russia, it's only a matter of time before US government hackers are outed.

No Investigators Have Talked To Georgia Democrats About Brian Kemp’s Claim They Tried To Hack Him
More than two weeks after Georgia GOP gubernatorial candidate Brian Kemp made the allegation, the Democratic Party says no one’s talked to them.

The World's Biggest Hacking Powers Are Sitting Out Attempts To Bring An End To Hacking
Most of the world agrees that it's unacceptable to build programs that rapidly shut down computers around the world. But the countries most likely to do it aren't willing to promise not to.

The Criminal Charges Julian Assange May Be Facing Might Not Be What You Think
A mistake in a court document provides the first documented evidence that Assange has been indicted in Virginia. But the charges remain unknown.

Trump Is Tweeting Bogus Claims Of Voter Fraud. Here’s How His False Claims Echo Online Conspiracies.
"It's more likely that people are stricken by lightning than if they impersonate someone at the polls."

In One Florida County, All Polling Places Have Been Replaced With Six “Mega Voting Sites”
The sites make it particularly hard for black Americans to vote, a coalition of civil rights groups say.

Here's How We're Covering Voting And Cybersecurity On Election Day
We're on the lookout for cyber-shenanigans tomorrow. But we're also vigilant for false claims — which in the right context can do even more damage.

Georgia’s Republican Candidate For Governor Says Democrats Hacked Him. He’s Made False Accusations In The Past.
Georgia Secretary of State and candidate for governor Brian Kemp has a history of wrongly accusing opponents of hacking him.

Georgia May Be The Place Where The Seeds Of Doubt About Democracy Finally Take Root
Even supporters of Republican Brian Kemp are disheartened by what’s taken place in the run-up to Tuesday’s voting.

Russia Is Meddling In The Midterms. The White House Just Isn't Talking About It.
Russia hasn't tried to hack voting machines in 2018, the government says, but its propaganda efforts are as active as ever.

Texas Warns Voters That Some Voting Machines May Switch Their Ballots If They Try To Vote A Straight-Party Ticket
Some parts of Texas still use older, paperless machines. A handful of voters say picking a straight-party option selects the wrong party.