The LAPD Says It Won’t Work With Feds On Deportations, But It Already Does
A BuzzFeed News investigation shows that the LAPD violated its own rule against cooperating with immigration agents, a scenario that may become more frequent if Trump targets undocumented immigrants.

Trump Appoints Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn To National Security Adviser Role
The offer was reported by multiple media outlets Thursday, and confirmed by president-elect Trump on Friday.

How One Policy Change Could Wipe Out Muslim Civil Liberties
Designating Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization could lead to major fallout for American Muslims.

He Became A Citizen To Vote. Now He Fears "A Bigot In Power"
Mohammed became a U.S. citizen in 2016 so he could vote in the presidential election. The Trump victory has him worried that violence against Muslims will become acceptable in his new country.

Muslims Are Asking What Place They Have In President Trump's America
"We’re not going down without a fight. We have a lot of fight in us.”

Muslim Americans Are Furious And Fearful Over Trump's Win
"I'm actually scared to leave the house tomorrow," a Muslim woman from North Carolina said.

Brigitte Gabriel Wants You To Fight Islam
The anti-Islam group ACT for America has a direct line to Donald Trump. Now, it has seized on allegations of a hideous crime in Idaho’s Magic Valley to spread its reach among regular Americans.

In Debate, Trump Again Links Undocumented Immigrants To Crime
“We have gangs roaming the streets. In many cases they’re illegal here. Illegal immigrants, they have guns."

Here Is What LGBT Muslims Want You To Know After The Orlando Shooting
“I wish we didn’t have to be brave just to continue living."

ICE Official Forged Document To Deport A Construction Worker
A former official for Immigrations and Customs Enforcement forged a document in order to deport a Mexican construction worker. The government knew about the forgery but initially did nothing.

Muslims Used To Love Living In Tennessee — Now It's A Nightmare
For decades, even after 9/11, Muslims felt at home in Tennessee, the “buckle of the Bible Belt.” Then it became one of the most hostile places in America.

America’s Quiet Crackdown On Indian Immigrants
The U.S. government has moved quietly and aggressively to prevent undocumented Indians from entering the United States, many of whom are Sikhs fleeing political repression or economic collapse at home.

Love In The Time Of Deportation: A Doomed Romance In A Broken Prison System
He was an inmate, facing deportation over a minor arrest. She was a guard, fed up with her job at a for-profit prison. They fell in love, but living happily ever after was not going to happen.

“We Have Uncovered The Fact That Americans Are Under Assault”
Maria Espinoza’s Remembrance Project pioneered the political strategy of using the stories of families of Americans killed by undocumented immigrants to argue for restrictions on immigration.

Immigration Courts Could Lose A Third Of Their Interpreters
Language interpreters, who are crucial to the basic functioning of America’s beleaguered immigration courts, say a new federal contractor is trying to drastically underpay them.

Ahmed Mohamed's Homemade Clock Arrest Shocked A Nation, But Not Local Muslims
Muslims in North Texas say the arrest of 14-year-old Ahmed Mohamed in Irving for bringing to school what teachers thought could be a fake bomb is just the latest example of growing Islamophobia in the area.

“This Community Is Not A White Community”
The census classifies people from the Middle East and North Africa as white. After decades of advocacy, this may finally change.

The U.S. Asylum System Is Completely Overwhelmed
Asylum claims have grown sixfold in the past three years, overpowering the U.S. immigration system’s ability to handle them.

Immigration Authorities Are Far More Likely To Jail You If You’re Mexican
An analysis of nationwide federal data by BuzzFeed News — the first of its kind — found that immigration authorities incarcerate immigrants from Mexico at far higher rates than those from any other country.

Visa Program For Wealthy Investors Marred By Fraud
America’s multibillion-dollar immigrant investor program is overseen by an agency that many say is not equipped to smell out financial fraud.