Men, Tell Us How You Make Women Feel Safer On A Daily Basis
Shoutout to being a decent human being!

People Are Sharing The "Horrifying" Items Someone Can Have In Their Home That Signals They're A "Red Flag"
"This was a room dedicated to Hitler, the Nazis, and everything else vile."

From California To Illinois, These Governors Are Already Putting Up Protections Against A Trump Presidency
"You come for my people — you come through me."

"It Was The First Time I Realized There Were Different Types Of Cold": People Are Sharing The Wildest Ways Life Is Different Depending On What State You're In
"When visiting Texas, I was shocked that banks had signs on the door reading, 'Please leave guns in your car.'"

17 Older Adults Share The Health Advice They Regret Not Taking Earlier In Life
"I can still remember the smell of my rotten tooth when they ripped it out to this day. It smelled like death..."

"We're Gonna Be Dead By Next Year": Mount Fuji Experienced Its First Snowless October, And People's Reactions Are Pretty Much What You'd Expect
"close that chatgpt tab RIGHT now..."

19 "Super Normal" Routines And Experiences From "Way Back Then" That Are Now Obsolete, According To Older Adults
"If you ate out somewhere, you'd have to walk THROUGH the smoking section to get to the non-smoking section. It was super common!"

17 Brutally Honest Confessions From Single Dads
"Nobody cares about us. Single mothers often get support from family members and sympathy from coworkers. As single fathers, we rarely get any of that. We are alone."

"It's A Hill I'll Die On": People Are Sharing The Normalized Traditions Among Women They Want To See Changed Once And For All
"The whole wedding thing. Getting married should not be such a big accomplishment for a woman..."

"I Beg Everyone To Read It": People Are Sharing The "Couldn't Put Down" Books That Made Them Fall In Love With Reading Again
"This book brought back my love of reading after seven years of reading just for school."

"It Was A Massive Waste Of Money": Homeowners Are Sharing The Best And Worst Purchases And Projects They Splurged On
"If they're installed incorrectly, or if there's storm damage, they could leak and cause unexpected water and roof damage. They're just so annoying to have to deal with..."

Americans Are Sharing The "Culture Shock" Moments They Experienced While Visiting Another State, And I'm Flabbergasted
"Most people don't say excuse me — they just shove you out of the way. I don't plan on going back..."

"I'm Ashamed Of Myself For Doing That": 18 Adults Are Sharing The Mistakes They Couldn't Believe They Were Capable Of Making, And They're Poignant
"I'm grateful my adult children were kept in the dark about my foolishness. You can make terrible mistakes at any age."

These 23 Pets Already Won Halloween With These Hilarious, Spooky, And Pretty Genius Costumes
I never thought I'd see a Donald Trump costume and say, "Aww..."

"It's Sad And Sexist But True": 17 Tips Women Learned From Other Women For Keeping Themselves Safe In The World We Live In
"Don't worry about being weird or rude — if you have to exit a situation, lie. Listen to your instincts."

This Woman Revealed How She's Navigating "Financial Anxiety" In Her 20s, And It's Just A Glimpse Into How Money Is Affecting Gen Z Today
"I’m trying to get back to things that used to bring me joy, but since my financial concerns aren’t resolved yet, it’s hard to have the sense of safety required to feel comfortable spending time with myself..."

Americans, Share With Us The "Culture Shock" Moments You Had While Traveling To Another State
The Southern California mind (me) cannot comprehend the concept of a Vermont autumn...

"I Asked For A Divorce That Night": People Are Sharing The Definitive Moment When They Knew They Wanted A Separation From Their Partner
"I had told him many times over the years that this would be the death of our relationship, and I was right."

Women, Share The Life-Saving Tip You Learned From Another Woman That You Implement On The Daily
Yes, I always lock my doors the second I sit down in the car...

Share With Us A "Hard Truth" About Being A Single Dad That Not Many People Talk About
Shoutout to the Danny Tanners of the world...