Members Of Congress Are Demanding Answers From The Trump Administration On Its Coal Mine Deal
Two House Democrats want documents on an unprecedented settlement that may have violated federal law.

Under Trump, Repeat Mine Safety Violators Have Less To Fear
Under the direction of a former coal company executive, the mine safety agency has taken steps that could undercut regulators’ most powerful tool for protecting miners. A recent beneficiary: a company owned by a Ukrainian oligarch who hired former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort.

FBI Software For Analyzing Fingerprints Contains Russian-Made Code, Whistleblowers Say
In a secret deal, a French company purchased code from a Kremlin-connected firm, incorporated it into its own software, and hid its existence from the FBI, according to documents and two whistleblowers. The allegations raise concerns that Russian hackers could compromise law enforcement computer systems.

Here's The Guy Who Trump Said Just Offered Him A $2 Billion Deal
Hussain Sajwani, "a very, very, very amazing man, a great, great developer," has been Trump's partner in previous ventures. He also was convicted of making an illegal arrangement to cheat the Egyptian public of millions.

Johns Hopkins Hospital Defrauded Sick Coal Miners, Lawsuit Alleges
Doctors at a leading medical institution intentionally misread X-rays to help coal companies avoid paying black-lung benefits claims, the families of two dead miners say.

House Leader Demands US Overhaul Global Super Court
Rep. Sander Levin says he'll block any trade agreements unless major changes can be made to the secretive legal system known as investor-state dispute settlement. "The train got off the tracks dramatically.”

Senators Call For Global Super Court To Be Renegotiated
BuzzFeed News’ investigation of investor-state dispute settlement provokes a call for change on Capitol Hill.

Elizabeth Warren Squares Off Against Global Super Court
Following a BuzzFeed News investigation, the senator says it’s not too late to undo ISDS.

How A Mississippi Funeral Home Showdown Freaked Out The White House
A secretive global legal system gives corporations leverage over the countries where they operate. Everyone said the United States didn't have anything to worry about, because American laws are fair to begin with. Everyone was wrong. Part four of a BuzzFeed News Investigation.

How Big Banks Bled A Tiny Island Nation
Financial companies have figured out how to turn a controversial global legal system to their own very profitable advantage. Part three of a BuzzFeed News investigation.

The Secret Threat That Makes Corporations More Powerful Than Countries
International corporations that want to intimidate countries have access to a private legal system designed just for them. And to unlock its power, sometimes all it takes is a threat. Part two of a BuzzFeed News investigation.

Inside The Global “Club” That Helps Executives Escape Their Crimes
A parallel legal universe, open only to corporations and largely invisible to everyone else, helps executives convicted of crimes escape punishment. Part one of a BuzzFeed News investigation.

Government Seeks To Stop Coal Companies From Withholding Evidence In Black Lung Cases
The new rule, proposed by the Department of Labor, would make it easier for miners debilitated by black lung to get financial benefits.

Justice Department Settles Lawsuit Over Fake Facebook Page
The agency agrees to pay $134,000 to resolve claims it endangered a New York woman and violated her privacy. A DEA agent used the real name and photos of the woman to communicate with a wanted fugitive — without her knowledge.

Years After Black Lung Claim Was Wrongly Denied, Coal Miner Gets His Due
They overcame now-discredited testimony by a prominent Johns Hopkins doctor and almost a decade of legal wrangling with a coal company. Now the family of deceased miner Steve Day gets what they were owed all along.

Senator Leahy Blasts DEA For Impersonating Woman On Facebook
Citing a case revealed by BuzzFeed News, the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee said it's "appalling" that a Drug Enforcement Administration agent created a fake Facebook page using a real woman's name and photos — without her knowledge.

Facebook Rebukes DEA For Impersonating Woman Online
After BuzzFeed News revealed that the Drug Enforcement Administration had created a phony Facebook page using a real woman’s name — without her knowledge — the company has told the agency it committed a “serious breach” of Facebook’s terms of service.

How A Coal Miner's Autopsy Proved A Top Doctor Wrong
When a coal miner's lungs finally gave out, his autopsy proved a top doctor was wrong — giving hope to thousands of other miners. The story of Steve Day and his final vindication.

Government Set Up A Fake Facebook Page In This Woman’s Name
A DEA agent commandeered a woman’s identity, created a phony Facebook account in her name, and posted racy photos he found on her seized cell phone. The government said he had the right to do that. Update: Facebook has removed the page and the Justice Department says it is reviewing the incident.

Exclusive: New Bill Aims To Stop Coal Companies From Denying Benefits To Miners With Black Lung
Coal companies are supposed pay compensation to miners who contract the dreaded disease, but the companies have devised ways to get out of paying. The bill attempts to shut down those schemes. Update: This post now includes information from a conference call with one of the bill's sponsors.