Jerry Falwell: I Lent $1.8 Million To A Venture Involving A Pool Attendant
The evangelical Christian Trump backer, an acquaintance of Michael Cohen’s, helped a hotel pool attendant in a business after befriending him in 2012.

A US Navy SEAL Has Been Jailed In Serbia
The reservist was a member of the famed SEAL Team 6 and had recently worked as a soldier for hire in Yemen.

A Middle East Monarchy Hired American Ex-Soldiers To Kill Its Political Enemies. This Could Be The Future Of War.
“There was a targeted assassination program in Yemen. I was running it. We did it.”

Donald Trump Met The Miami Pool Attendant Whom Jerry Falwell Jr. Backed In A Business Venture
Michael Cohen, Trump’s fixer and Falwell’s friend, was also at Liberty University when Trump and the pool attendant met.

One Of Trump's Top Aides Is Leaving The White House
The White House announced Joe Hagin's plan to leave government a day after a BuzzFeed News report.

The Federal Agent Behind A Mysterious Leak Investigation Railed Against “Hyphenated-Americans”
Craft beer, a business partner in the FBI, and “Dear Failure.”

A Top Trump Aide Worked In Libya With Key Backers Of An Alleged "Sex Cult"
Joe Hagin saw Libyan expatriate Basit Igtet as a golden goose. Igtet was more than that.

Jerry Falwell Jr. And A Young Pool Attendant Launched A Business That Sparked A Bitter Dispute
Trump’s fixer Michael Cohen helped arrange Falwell’s pivotal endorsement of Donald Trump, the first by a major evangelical.

Somebody Is Stocking Up On Napalm
A gun dealer that sells firearms to the CIA has been shopping for napalm — but won’t reveal the customer or how it will be used.

This American Is A General For A Foreign Army Accused Of War Crimes In Yemen
“We would call him ‘Little Napoleon.’”

A Veteran DEA Agent Is Under Investigation In Colombia For Serious Corruption Allegations
The investigation into Jose Irizarry comes as the agency has been battered by multiple misconduct and corruption allegations.

Trump's CIA Has Set Up Teams To Kill Terrorists
“Small teams are locating and killing bad guys. That’s what we are doing.” The official in charge of the hit teams was a senior aide to CIA Director Mike Pompeo, who Trump just nominated to be secretary of state.

Trump Fundraiser Was Part Of Push To Privatize Espionage Operations to Evade The “Deep State”
Thomas Hicks Jr., a wealthy friend of the president’s son, discussed the plan in the “Tinfoil” room at Trump International Hotel, touted as safe from electronic surveillance. The radical intelligence plan, which also had the support of Iran-Contra veteran Oliver North, has not been implemented but was considered by the Trump White House and CIA.

Blowback: ISIS Got A Powerful Missile The CIA Secretly Bought In Bulgaria
A new report on how ISIS built its arsenal highlights how the US purchased munitions, intended for Syrian rebels, that ended up in the hands of the terrorist group.

Private War: Erik Prince Has His Eye On Afghanistan's Rare Metals
BuzzFeed News is publishing the slide presentation by the founder of Blackwater to privatize the Afghan war and mine Afghanistan's valuable minerals. He pitched the proposal to the Trump administration. Prince told BuzzFeed News, "You're a fucking hack."

It Was Kushner Who Told Flynn To Make Calls About Israel UN Vote, Source Says
The president's son-in-law prompted the Dec. 22, 2016, call to Russia's ambassador that is the focus of Flynn's guilty plea Friday.

The Trump Administration Is Mulling A Pitch For A Private “Rendition” And Spy Network
A private company has proposed that the US government pay it millions to undertake intelligence and covert operations.

CIA Officer Joins NSC Staff As Agency Vows To Be More "Vicious"
Michael Barry once worked on a CIA assassination program that had been contracted out to controversial security contractor Erik Prince, founder of Blackwater.

Senate Finds 86 Children Died In Care Of Giant For-Profit Foster Care Firm, Citing BuzzFeed News
Two years after a BuzzFeed News investigation, the Senate introduces the Child Welfare and Accountability Act to track foster care contractors.

Trump’s Son In Crosshairs Of Special Counsel Mueller
Prosecutors investigating possible collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign are bearing down on the president’s son, attempting to figure out his intent when he attended a meeting in which he was promised dirt on Hillary Clinton as part of Russia’s support for Trump’s campaign. The question of intent could be crucial in determining if Donald Trump Jr. violated the law.